Re: Coast Starlight Service Disruption
Author: FUD
Date: 09-02-2024 - 21:18

Happened early Sunday night. Fire was spotted in Marysville and the train stopped just south of Live Oak.

It was a general cargo "car" (looked in the TV footage like containers) with a variety of stuff in it including 72 lb. of lithium "car batteries" - obviously, not EV batteries at that weight, but the FD saw "lithium car batteries" and attacked it as if it were full of EV batteries. Cut holes in the roofs and flooded the cargo extinguishing everything, then cut the containers open and dumped the contents for further treatment and disposal.

#11/1 and #14/1 obviously had to be annulled enroute. Presumably, things are nearly cleaned up by now, but #11/2 is listed as cancelled (not operating at all) and #14/2 is 22 min late in SJC showing service disruption; most likely will end at SAC or lose several hours north of there.

It wasn't so long ago that in cases like this the first day of disruption would be covered with a bus bridge. Shouldn't be difficult to scare up some charter buses in Sac on a few hours' notice. Perhaps more difficult in KFalls (send some over from Medford?). If that's not happening any more, Amtrak deserves all the s*** thrown at it.

Local snooz: []

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Coast Starlight Service Disruption Binney Jct. Transient 09-02-2024 - 17:51
  Re: Coast Starlight Service Disruption FUD 09-02-2024 - 21:18
  Re: Coast Starlight Service Disruption Update FUD 09-02-2024 - 21:25
  Re: Coast Starlight Service Disruption You got EXACTLY what you asked for. 09-02-2024 - 22:58

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