Re: DETROIT - A 20-year-old man rescued Monday night after he was run over by a freight while sleeping on the railroad tracks, officials said.
Author: Don't drink and snooze
Date: 09-03-2024 - 20:11

110 hours? Meaning over 4 days to extract the victim? Yeah, the reporting could be better.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  DETROIT - A 20-year-old man rescued Monday night after he was run over by a freight while sleeping on the railroad tracks, officials said. Butcher Pete 09-03-2024 - 18:04
  Re: DETROIT - A 20-year-old man rescued Monday night after he was run over by a freight while sleeping on the railroad tracks, officials said. Don't drink and snooze 09-03-2024 - 20:11
  Re: DETROIT - A 20-year-old man rescued Monday night after he was run over by a freight while sleeping on the railroad tracks, officials said. Yep, this happens more than you'd think... BOB2 09-04-2024 - 09:07
  Re: DETROIT - A 20-year-old man rescued Monday night after he was run over by a freight while sleeping on the railroad tracks, officials said. Yep, this happens more than you'd think... BOB2 09-11-2024 - 11:55

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