Re: Amtrak ALC42 Charger locomotives failed, borrowed BNSF locomotive leads..AGAIN
Date: 09-04-2024 - 14:52

Nine hour delay is pretty bad. Maybe it’s time for Amtrak to take some GE P42’s out of storage in Indiana and park them at BNSF terminals along the route (Seattle, Spokane, Havre).

These issues are not giving the LD trains good publicity. Is the CEO aware of that? Does he care about Amtrak’s business? :(

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Amtrak ALC42 Charger locomotives failed, borrowed BNSF locomotive leads..AGAIN Foam Vomit? 09-04-2024 - 11:26
  Re: Amtrak ALC42 Charger locomotive failed, borrowed BNSF locomotive leads..AGAIN Bruce Kelly 09-04-2024 - 14:46
  Re: Amtrak ALC42 Charger locomotives failed, borrowed BNSF locomotive leads..AGAIN 09-04-2024 - 14:52
  Re: Amtrak ALC42 Charger locomotives failed, borrowed BNSF locomotive leads..AGAIN Clem 09-05-2024 - 01:54
  Wasn’t me Clem 09-05-2024 - 07:17
  Re: I see that the mentally ill sexual predator is posting his explicit sexual desires while catfishing as Clem... BOB2 09-05-2024 - 11:51
  Re: I see that the mentally ill sexual predator is posting his explicit sexual desires while catfishing as Clem... Lackawanna484 09-05-2024 - 13:04
  Re: I see that the mentally ill sexual predator is now posting his explicit sexual desires while catfishing as Lackawanna484 BOB2 09-05-2024 - 14:24
  Off the rails again Admin 09-05-2024 - 18:17
  Re: Off the rails again? He sick and needs no prompting, if I didn't exiist he'd still be a mentally ill sexual predator trolling a train chat board to get his jollies off.... BOB2 09-05-2024 - 21:55
  Re: Off the rails again? He sick and needs no prompting, if I didn't exiist he'd still be a mentally ill sexual predator trolling a train chat board to get his jollies off.... TOMN 09-05-2024 - 23:33
  But Mr Beetle I am a High School Gradu-wait Lily TOMN 09-06-2024 - 04:45
  Re: Amtrak ALC42 Charger locomotives failed, borrowed BNSF locomotive leads..AGAIN Mayor of Yermo 09-05-2024 - 09:08

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