Re: The Amazing Things the CB&Q Passenger Dept. Could Pull Off in 1964
Author: White River Junction
Date: 09-26-2024 - 11:58

dvid vartanoff Wrote:
> It isn't just that Amtrak doesn't have the extra
> equipmen because they parked way too many cars at
> Beech Grove, Hiahleah etc. It is that Amtrak
> doesn't even have the imagination/desire to run
> extras, specials because they might have to make
> an effort.

When CB&Q added extra sections in 1964 for football traffic, whoever was ultimately responsible for that decision probably also had ultimate authority over the dispatchers controlling train movements. Amtrak is at the mercy of the freight RRs who see extra Amtrak trains as a nuisance. You may be correct that Amtrak lacks imagination/desire, but lacking control over operations is an added hindrance.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  The Amazing Things the CB&Q Passenger Dept. Could Pull Off in 1964 D. B. Arthur 09-24-2024 - 21:41
  Re: The Amazing Things the CB&Q Passenger Dept. Could Pull Off in 1964 dvid vartanoff 09-25-2024 - 17:07
  Re: The Amazing Things the CB&Q Passenger Dept. Could Pull Off in 1964 White River Junction 09-26-2024 - 11:58

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