Re: MBTA chief calls for cellphone ban
Author: DD
Date: 05-13-2009 - 13:32

> A cell phone & texting ban was already in place.
> In fact, the operator in this case may face
> criminal charges since he ignored the already
> in-place ban.

Then what more do you need? They have an existing ban, with penalties, simply enforce it!

> The MBTA is now seeking to ban cell phones and
> such devices from being carried on-board by
> employees.

How would they enforce that any differently? Strip search the employees? Why do these idiots insist on creating more rules when all they really need to do is enforce the rules already in place!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  MBTA chief calls for cellphone ban synonymouse 05-09-2009 - 13:31
  Re: MBTA chief calls for cellphone ban smitty195 05-09-2009 - 13:55
  Re: MBTA chief calls for cellphone ban jst3751 05-09-2009 - 15:38
  Re: MBTA chief calls for cellphone ban smitty195 05-09-2009 - 19:17
  Re: MBTA chief calls for cellphone ban BOB2 05-10-2009 - 14:31
  Re: MBTA chief calls for cellphone ban DD 05-13-2009 - 13:32
  Re: MBTA chief calls for cellphone ban Union truth ! 05-21-2009 - 18:20
  Re: MBTA chief calls for cellphone ban JaneBee 05-28-2009 - 12:56

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