Re: Meanwhile, for the adults on AP who read the posted story....
BOB 33 1/3 Wrote:
> Commenter Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "Now the road ahead looks very different."
> Yeah, we will probably have a heterosexual in
> charge of the DOT who doesn't get in spats with
> his husband as to whose turn it is to chest feed
> the baby-born-by-a-surrogate mom.
> []
> =jpg&name=900x900
Now that we've heard from the 12-year-old child, let's look at what this guy has to say...
The article has some fairly accurate views of the historic role of Congress. But also has some classic "new urbanist" "evil car" nonsense when it comes to imposing costly libertarian right wing road pricing schemes, by certain so-called environmentalist types, on working class folks going into New York City to work, with support for the area pricing scheme to enter Manhattan, that Governor Hochul rightly from implementation. She was just trying to prevent the economically, environmentally, and politically disastrous stupidity.
These "areawide" road pricing schemes are among the most regressive forms of "taxation" imaginable that you could impose on the "lower" income 80% of the drivers affected, who will pay more to commute and receive no benefits of any kind from this scheme, with very tiny benefits for "some" of the next 10%, and about 95% of the benefits going to the wealthiest 10% of road users (mostly value of time saved), with over half of that going to the top 1% of road users, like billionaire former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomburg who is a big supporter of the NYC pricing scheme, where others are paying the costs for his time savings.
When some of these "new urbanist" nitwits are crying over their double vodka martini's this weekend about the recent events, maybe they might want to ask themselves why so many of the working-class voters stayed home and/or voted for certain other candidates in greater numbers, even in NYC?