Re: About Adam Smith ...? Yep, creating and maintaining free open competitive markets is a choice we have, if we want to achieve the benefits that can come from them.
Author: Still Sinking Pac
Date: 11-19-2024 - 16:41

Why was Commodore Perry there, to establish friendly relations on an equal footing? Is that why he threatened naval action? Japan would've been a colony sure as sh*te...

Were England and the other Western powers in China for friendly occupation as well? Ever heard of the Opium Wars or Treaty on Nanking?

Now, please tell us how World War II began in the Pacific/Asiatic in December 1941, and the US then went to China to save those poor Chinese civilians (with no regard to the slaughter that began in 1931 in Manchuria).

Fixed another one for you--no charge.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  And now, for something RR related from our distant past BOB2 11-16-2024 - 08:27
  Re: And now, for something RR related from our distant past USMC1401 11-16-2024 - 09:57
  Re: And now, for something RR related from our distant past BOB2 11-16-2024 - 11:00
  Re: And now, for something RR related from our distant past SinkPac 11-17-2024 - 07:20
  Re: And now, for something RR related from our distant past? BOB2 11-17-2024 - 08:27
  About Adam Smith ... Dragoman 11-17-2024 - 13:53
  Re: About Adam Smith ...? Yep, creating and maintaining free open competitive markets is a choice we have, if we want to achieve the benefits that can come from them. BOB2 11-17-2024 - 14:51
  Re: About Adam Smith ...? Yep, creating and maintaining free open competitive markets is a choice we have, if we want to achieve the benefits that can come from them. Still Sinking Pac 11-19-2024 - 16:41
  Re: Can you figure out if you actually believe some of the nonsense you bleat, or is it just whatever you can pull out? BOB2 11-19-2024 - 17:56
  Re: Can you figure out if you actually believe some of the nonsense you bleat, or is it just whatever you can pull out? Sunk Pac 11-20-2024 - 07:41
  Re: Can you figure out if you actually believe some of the nonsense you bleat, or is it just whatever you can pull out? BOB2 11-20-2024 - 08:56
  More hypocrisy Jose Jimenez 11-17-2024 - 21:14

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