Re: PE1734 Seal Beach-I can see why not, but I'm glad to hear some folks have stepped up to help maintain it.
Author: Lil SweePea
Date: 11-29-2024 - 19:54

The OETM should have accepted it! C’mon.

At least it could be used for wire and parts storage.

Darn those DIESEL brains and their stinky, loud engines!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  PE 1621 with 1454 in tow picture UXNWB 11-25-2024 - 06:49
  Re: PE 1621 with 1454 in tow picture john monhoff 11-26-2024 - 14:03
  Re: PE 1621 with 1454 in tow picture Pinacate panther 11-26-2024 - 21:42
  Re: PE 1621 with 1454 in tow picture? BOB2 11-27-2024 - 00:58
  For BOB2, PE1734 Seal Beach Commodore 49 11-27-2024 - 17:34
  PE1734 Seal Beach From my 16K TRS-80 Color Computer 11-27-2024 - 23:07
  Re: PE1734 Seal Beach-society of doom Navy submarine sound traction action 11-28-2024 - 03:03
  Re: PE1734 Seal Beach-I can see why not, but I'm glad to hear some folks have stepped up to help maintain it. BOB2 11-29-2024 - 13:47
  Re: PE1734 Seal Beach-I can see why not, but I'm glad to hear some folks have stepped up to help maintain it. Lil SweePea 11-29-2024 - 19:54

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