Re: NYC photo
Author: *
Date: 11-28-2024 - 01:51
Photo Analyzer Wrote:
> Interesting Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > First, what kind of car is this? Cafe? Bar?
> Dining?
> A dining car with an unconventional seating
> arrangement. The items on the tables suggest it's
> a dining car.
> > Hmm, is the suggestion that a guy can buy paid
> services from a lady aboard NYC's trains?
> You're confusing this train with S.P.'s LARK and
> perhaps the working girl on the left fled his room
> after she didn't deliver on what was negotiated
> earlier and went to the diner, and then he
> followed her and wanted a refund.
> These types of transactions take place on
> airplanes today, but are confined to the cramped
> quarters of the restrooms.
Does all of this extra holiday travel disrupt your usual work routine?