Re: #2/22/29th Stopped west of Niland Ca - update - the train did run
Author: FUD
Date: 12-31-2024 - 17:01

Looks like #2/29 did eventually reach San Antonio. #22 held for it - connecting passengers according to the attached Amtrak alert, most likely from 2 - and is now operating 5 hours late. #2 did show up on the map (listed as #2/30) for a while this morning as a "ghost" train, service disrupted, with no station times listed anywhere on its route. So whatever was going on apparently took around 5 hours to correct, and Amtrak chose to simply stop tracking the train in terms of station stops. Odd, since on other routes (#5/6, #7/8, #11/14) they usually do keep tracking the train even when it's over 10 hours late even with a service disruption.

I'm sure more data ("information" might be a charitable interpretation of that) can be found on That Other Board.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  #2/22/29th Stopped west of Niland Ca most of the night Oh My 12-30-2024 - 08:52
  Re: #2/22/29th Stopped west of Niland Ca most of the night Response 12-30-2024 - 10:32
  Re: #2/22/29th Stopped west of Niland Ca most of the night FUD 12-30-2024 - 11:36
  Re: #2/22/29th Stopped west of Niland Ca - update - the train did run FUD 12-31-2024 - 17:01

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