Taxpayer money is free money
Author: BOB Fuddy Duddy
Date: 01-03-2025 - 03:26

Listen to what's said at the 7:11 mark:

The [Phoenix-Tucson] project has received $500,000. in federal funding and $3.5 MILLION in state funding for the planning phase.

Why so much money? Have they hired some consulting firm that's notorious for price gouging? Gee, I wonder if any of those exist.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Amtrak's 2035 Plan for the Western Corridor Commenter 01-02-2025 - 20:19
  Taxpayer money is free money BOB Fuddy Duddy 01-03-2025 - 03:26
  Re: Taxpayer money is free money Jackson Offalot 01-03-2025 - 19:30
  Re: Amtrak's 2035 Plan for the Western Corridor Observation Car 01-06-2025 - 04:59
  Re: Amtrak's 2035 Plan for the Western Corridor zplane 01-06-2025 - 05:21
  Re: Amtrak's 2035 Plan for the Western Corridor bobblehead 01-06-2025 - 08:27

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