Re: Amtrak's 2035 Plan for the Western Corridor
Author: Observation Car
Date: 01-06-2025 - 04:59

This account is purely AI generated content. Everything from the script to the editing to the "narrator". One of the videos was about how CalTrain is "in trouble" and the main point of the video was two people on twitter complaining about train horns on the new trains. Take everything with a grain of salt.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Amtrak's 2035 Plan for the Western Corridor Commenter 01-02-2025 - 20:19
  Taxpayer money is free money BOB Fuddy Duddy 01-03-2025 - 03:26
  Re: Taxpayer money is free money Jackson Offalot 01-03-2025 - 19:30
  Re: Amtrak's 2035 Plan for the Western Corridor Observation Car 01-06-2025 - 04:59
  Re: Amtrak's 2035 Plan for the Western Corridor zplane 01-06-2025 - 05:21
  Re: Amtrak's 2035 Plan for the Western Corridor bobblehead 01-06-2025 - 08:27

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