train news Corvallis trestle collapse
Author: john
Date: 01-08-2025 - 20:25

The second Train News KUAL .com article shows photos of before and after of the Corvallis trestle fire. The before photo shows a plastic homeless tent under the trestle. The second photo shows two people with hard hats standing in about the same place. The damage to the stringers and caps looks pretty extensive.I don't think i would be out on a limb by saying whatever repairs were made were not enough. The entire through girder section collapsed. It was reported the bridge was inspected two months ago by company employed bridge inspectors.Third party bridge inspectors doing core samples of timbers and measuring the deflection as trains crossed might have come up with additional required repairs to make the bridge safe.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  train news Corvallis trestle collapse john 01-08-2025 - 20:25
  Re: train news Corvallis trestle collapse? Post the link? BOB2 01-09-2025 - 08:04
  Re: train news Corvallis trestle collapse? Post the link? watcher 01-09-2025 - 16:20
  Re: train news Corvallis trestle collapse? Trainnews link john 01-10-2025 - 09:50
  Re: train news Corvallis trestle collapse? Trainnews link-Thanks for that... BOB2 01-10-2025 - 10:04
  Re: train news Corvallis trestle collapse? And speaking of speculation?.. BOB2 01-10-2025 - 11:13
  Re: train news Corvallis trestle collapse? And speaking of speculation?.. john 01-10-2025 - 13:18

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