High Speed Fail Article, and a Photo that says it all...
Author: BOB2
Date: 01-10-2025 - 06:41

Although this is generally a pretty bad source for much factual news, the CAHSRA is just such "easy pickings", and I could not resist the photo that is shown.

That one photo so well encapsulates the level of the sheer magnitude of the incompetent planning and the levels of intentional bloated gold plating of the contractor "self-managed" CAHSRA taxpayer funded fiasco.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in bridge construction in flat open rural terrain for no discernable rational reason other than to generate massive government contracts for the contractors.

Washington Times Article and Cover Photo of the CAHSRA High Speed Fail....

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  High Speed Fail Article, and a Photo that says it all... BOB2 01-10-2025 - 06:41
  Re: High Speed Fail Article, and a Photo that says it all... Sorry, Washington Examiner, I can't seem to keep track my favorite brands of cat box liner BOB2 01-10-2025 - 07:44
  Re: High Speed Fail Article, and a Photo that says it all... Sorry, Washington Examiner, I can't seem to keep track my favorite brands of cat box liner per Washington Times 01-10-2025 - 14:26
  Re: High Speed Fail Article, and a Photo that says it all... Sorry, Washington Examiner, I can't seem to keep track my favorite brands of cat box liner BOB2 01-10-2025 - 18:20
  Re: High Speed Fail Article, and a Photo that says it all... Sorry, Washington Examiner, I can't seem to keep track my favorite brands of cat box liner per Washington Times 01-11-2025 - 14:46

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