Re: High Speed Fail Article, and a Photo that says it all... Sorry, Washington Examiner, I can't seem to keep track my favorite brands of cat box liner
Author: BOB2
Date: 01-10-2025 - 07:44

BOB2 Wrote:
> Although this is generally a pretty bad source for
> much factual news, the CAHSRA is just such "easy
> pickings", and I could not resist the photo that
> is shown.
> That one photo so well encapsulates the level of
> the sheer magnitude of the incompetent planning
> and the levels of intentional bloated gold plating
> of the contractor "self-managed" CAHSRA taxpayer
> funded fiasco.
> Hundreds of millions of dollars in bridge
> construction in flat open rural terrain for no
> discernable rational reason other than to generate
> massive government contracts for the contractors.
> Washington Times Article and Cover Photo of the
> CAHSRA High Speed Fail....

Washington Examiner...

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  High Speed Fail Article, and a Photo that says it all... BOB2 01-10-2025 - 06:41
  Re: High Speed Fail Article, and a Photo that says it all... Sorry, Washington Examiner, I can't seem to keep track my favorite brands of cat box liner BOB2 01-10-2025 - 07:44
  Re: High Speed Fail Article, and a Photo that says it all... Sorry, Washington Examiner, I can't seem to keep track my favorite brands of cat box liner per Washington Times 01-10-2025 - 14:26
  Re: High Speed Fail Article, and a Photo that says it all... Sorry, Washington Examiner, I can't seem to keep track my favorite brands of cat box liner BOB2 01-10-2025 - 18:20
  Re: High Speed Fail Article, and a Photo that says it all... Sorry, Washington Examiner, I can't seem to keep track my favorite brands of cat box liner per Washington Times 01-11-2025 - 14:46

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