Look What's Happening In Durango, CO (Home of the D&S NG RR)
Author: BOB 33 1/3
Date: 01-27-2025 - 23:18

Just when you thought moving to a small, unspoiled town like Durango, nestled in a beautiful area in the mountains, you're shocked to learn that it has some big-city, liberal ills.

To see what I'm talking about, go to the link below and fast forward to the 24:54 mark. Better still, invest 45 minutes to watch the entire episode.


Here's another link covering the same topic:


If the word gets out that Durango is infested with Liberal Leftist Loonies, it may adversely effect tourism and that may adversely effect patronage on the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Look What's Happening In Durango, CO (Home of the D&S NG RR) BOB 33 1/3 01-27-2025 - 23:18
  Re: Look What's Happening In Durango, CO (Home of the D&S NG RR) Unwelcomed 01-28-2025 - 01:55
  Re: Look What's Happening In Durango, CO (Home of the D&S NG RR) Ravishing Ronald 01-28-2025 - 06:08

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