Re: Look What's Happening In Durango, CO (Home of the D&S NG RR)
Author: Ravishing Ronald
Date: 01-28-2025 - 06:08

Effing right the left is there, or idiots like you would keep burning coal & spreading hot cinders, then wondering why the place burns down every few years.

Happy now, you right wing "man" you?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Look What's Happening In Durango, CO (Home of the D&S NG RR) BOB 33 1/3 01-27-2025 - 23:18
  Re: Look What's Happening In Durango, CO (Home of the D&S NG RR) Unwelcomed 01-28-2025 - 01:55
  Re: Look What's Happening In Durango, CO (Home of the D&S NG RR) Ravishing Ronald 01-28-2025 - 06:08

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