LOL. That MyLittlePonyRail map was floated out before the election. Never had a chance in Hades of getting funded. Election bait for the delusional
Author: Get real
Date: 01-28-2025 - 19:57

Foamers and politician dreams. Neither of which has any idea what it would cost or how to make it happen> If they could ever find the money.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  FRA study on the potential expansion of long-distance rail Commenter 01-28-2025 - 16:04
  Re: FRA study on the potential expansion of long-distance rail Deserted Wind and Pie Oh Not Near 01-28-2025 - 18:04
  Re: FRA study on the potential expansion of long-distance rail Center for Studying the Obvious 01-28-2025 - 18:19
  LOL. That MyLittlePonyRail map was floated out before the election. Never had a chance in Hades of getting funded. Election bait for the delusional Get real 01-28-2025 - 19:57
  Speaking of delusional. The Dem bedwetters continue to meltdown Summarizer 01-28-2025 - 20:21
  Re: FRA study on the potential expansion of long-distance rail another worthless government work 01-28-2025 - 20:48
  Re: FRA study on the potential expansion of long-distance rail Mar a lago time 01-29-2025 - 00:02
  Re: FRA study on the potential expansion of long-distance rail? Yep, choices does have consequences. BOB2- 01-29-2025 - 00:50
  Yep, choices does have consequences. BADBRAIN2 02-05-2025 - 16:57
  Re: FRA study on the potential expansion of long-distance rail El Trolio 01-29-2025 - 11:33

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