Speaking of delusional. The Dem bedwetters continue to meltdown
Author: Summarizer
Date: 01-28-2025 - 20:21
AmtrakMidwest, pdt, SCUbaMarx, bn66_6, and fellow travelers are in a sustained tizzy.
See below and on TO. I made a rhyme like Jesse Jackson.
Funny how they simply just deny reality and declare their rewrite of history as fact. "U r a liar!!! The Green New Deal was only an idea. Like Antifa. Never existed. And the EPA never increased regulations on coal plants." LOL Painting inconvenient history out of the picture. The way their inspiration, Stalin, painted Nikolai Yezhov out of the picture.
Then there is Aesop's Liarwanna. Twisting a thin base of history into laughable Democrat fables.
Anyone else laugh when masterpharts claimed his car got graffitied and he didn't mind at all? Yeah right.
"Drumpf is going to Project 2025 Amtrak and all rail into oblivion!!! He'll use the cars to ship us Dems to concentration camps!!!" Going to be a long 4 years for the usual Dem posters. Cross Crowland gets another of his freak out lie threads pulled.
The best is pdt. "Now listen up. I've been a pilot/weatherman/trainmaster/palm reader/chimney sweep/master chef/polar bear trainer/MI6 agent/blacksmith/Yellow Pages cover designer/train store clerk, so do not challenge my expertise! Both sides have their extremists but the reality is that 2+2 equals 5. Fires and landslides and stuff." phall responds with "Hold my beer." Liarwanna says "Hold my Wall Street Journal."