Rail ferry docks
Author: d
Date: 06-25-2009 - 19:19

Sorry that my note about Whittier was not "fathomable".
Look carefully in your Rand McNally highway Atlas.

Page 41 of August TRAINS includes a view of CN's Prince Rupert dock.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Ferry boat news d 06-23-2009 - 13:28
  Re: Ferry boat news El Skonk 06-23-2009 - 15:47
  Re: Ferry boat news; rail ferry to Alaska? C. Cutler 06-23-2009 - 17:45
  Seattle rail ferry docks d 06-23-2009 - 19:05
  Re: Seattle rail ferry docks George Andrews 06-23-2009 - 20:06
  Re: Seattle rail ferry docks Nicholson 06-24-2009 - 07:28
  Re: Seattle rail ferry docks Richard Elgenson 06-24-2009 - 08:12
  Re: Ferry boat news Alfred Doten 06-24-2009 - 09:42
  Re: Ferry boat news Johnwvan 06-24-2009 - 10:23
  Re: Ferry boat news Nicholson 06-25-2009 - 07:43
  Rail ferry docks d 06-25-2009 - 19:19
  Re: Rail ferry docks Robert McDonald 08-18-2009 - 01:13
  Re: Ferry boat news J Mann 06-29-2009 - 12:31

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