Re: Trainnews Volume 2 Issue 309
Author: richard
Date: 12-16-2009 - 17:47

In that Greenbrier story, they also were to take 485 container flats and cut the 48 foot ones down to 40 feet... any ideas ? now that most containers are 53 feet

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Trainnews Volume 2 Issue 309 Espee99 12-15-2009 - 19:14
  Re: Trainnews Volume 2 Issue 309 synonymouse 12-16-2009 - 13:07
  Re: Trainnews Volume 2 Issue 309 richard 12-16-2009 - 17:47
  Cutting wells from 48 to 40 feet Jason Kuehn 12-16-2009 - 18:29
  Re: Trainnews Volume 2 Issue 309 Michael Mahoney 12-17-2009 - 18:14
  Re: Trainnews Volume 2 Issue 309 synonymouse 12-18-2009 - 22:45

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