Baggage carts at Pasco
Author: d
Date: 02-12-2010 - 22:36

Remember them well. Including a high-floor model at most depots.
Fun to watch several carts "playing follow the leader". Great sound effects.

Baggage carts at museums?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  North Coast Limited, 4-68 Steve Thompson 02-12-2010 - 18:34
  Re: North Coast Limited, 4-68 Photobob 02-12-2010 - 20:28
  Re: North Coast Limited, 4-68 Railpax71 02-12-2010 - 20:47
  Re: North Coast Limited, 4-68 WAF 02-13-2010 - 12:22
  Baggage carts at Pasco d 02-12-2010 - 22:36

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