Re: UP MofW employee stuck by Metrolink train [link]
Author: Virlon
Date: 03-22-2010 - 08:11

Idler Car Wrote:
> According to one of the news sources:
> "Officials said it is unclear if the maintenance
> truck was crossing the tracks, or if it was being
> driven down the tracks using metal train wheels
> can be hydraulically lowered by many Union Pacific
> maintenance trucks."
> Has that question been clearly and authoritatively
> answered yet?

The victim WAS NOT in Hy-Rail mode. I will post more later.



Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  UP MofW employee stuck by Metrolink train [link] OPRRMS 03-21-2010 - 13:34
  Re: UP MofW employee stuck by Metrolink train [link] Espee99 03-21-2010 - 14:41
  Re: UP MofW employee stuck by Metrolink train [link] Frank 03-21-2010 - 21:47
  Re: UP MofW employee stuck by Metrolink train [link] Idler Car 03-21-2010 - 22:36
  Re: UP MofW employee stuck by Metrolink train [link] OPRRMS 03-21-2010 - 23:49
  Re: UP MofW employee stuck by Metrolink train [link] Mike Root 03-22-2010 - 08:06
  Re: UP MofW employee stuck by Metrolink train [link] Virlon 03-22-2010 - 08:13
  Re: UP MofW employee stuck by Metrolink train [link] Virlon 03-22-2010 - 08:11
  Re: UP MofW employee stuck by Metrolink train [link] Virlon 03-24-2010 - 13:17
  Re: UP MofW employee stuck by Metrolink train [link] OPRRMS 03-24-2010 - 14:19

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