Re: Western Railway Museum
Author: Henry Miller
Date: 09-03-2010 - 05:58

Joe-- The WRM does NOT normally have night time operations. The only time I remember after-dark ops was during the 1999 NRHS convention in Sacramento. They ran chartered buses down to the Museum for "night photography" sessions. I was there. Pretty impressive seeing the old cars all lit up. You have to remember that WRM relies on Volunteers to staff the place. Having night time operations at present would be a staffing headache, I'm sure--and what visitors would show up, besides YOU ?


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Western Railway Museum Joe 09-02-2010 - 21:13
  Re: Western Railway Museum Henry Miller 09-03-2010 - 05:58
  Re: Western Railway Museum Before the Dark Times 09-03-2010 - 11:07
  Re: Western Railway Museum Joe 09-03-2010 - 15:59
  Re: Western Railway Museum fkrock 09-04-2010 - 08:40
  Re: Western Railway Museum Mahatma Kane Jeeves 09-04-2010 - 13:27
  Re: Western Railway Museum P.Kepler 09-04-2010 - 13:49
  Re: Western Railway Museum Joe 09-04-2010 - 17:25
  Re: Western Railway Museum fkrock 09-07-2010 - 10:50
  Re: Western Railway Museum Tom Moungovan 09-04-2010 - 16:46
  Re: Western Railway Museum Mahatma Kane Jeeves 09-05-2010 - 08:09
  Re: Western Railway Museum RVJ refugee 09-05-2010 - 23:25

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