More storage cars off WURR this week
Author: SP5103
Date: 03-21-2011 - 12:27

Wallow Union pulled another cut of stored centerbeams out on Saturday, and sounds like IN&P took them straight into La Grande (Oregon). WURR is supposed to e going back up today for another cut, IN&P should pick up Tuesday or Wednesday.

Has the lumber market picked up that much? Or are these replacing older cars and 70 ton boxes being scrapped?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  More storage cars off WURR this week SP5103 03-21-2011 - 12:27
  Re: More storage cars off WURR this week Espee99 03-21-2011 - 12:36
  Re: More storage cars off WURR this week hyrail 03-21-2011 - 18:49
  Re: More storage cars off WURR this week Trackwalker 03-22-2011 - 09:43
  Re: More storage cars off WURR this week SP5103 03-23-2011 - 09:06
  Re: More storage cars off WURR this week George Andrews 03-23-2011 - 09:36
  Re: More storage cars off WURR this week OldPoleBurner 03-23-2011 - 10:08

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