Re: "There Isn't A Mixed Train I Wouldn't Take . . .
Author: Craig Tambo
Date: 10-04-2011 - 01:24

I took a quick look through the book, "Coach, Cabbage and Caboose" by John McCall (Kachina Press, 1979) and found photos taken on that line in the 1930s, on pages 176-177. On page 95 is a color photo (undated) of the Fort Lyon depot. The book's subject is Santa Fe mixed trains, so there may be other entries I didn't notice. In McMillan's "Wheat Lines and Super Freights" (page 96) are photos of the depots at Holly and McClave, taken in the 1970s.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  "There Isn't A Mixed Train I Wouldn't Take . . . Holly Gibson 10-01-2011 - 16:20
  Re: "There Isn't A Mixed Train I Wouldn't Take . . . DH 10-02-2011 - 20:58
  Re: "There Isn't A Mixed Train I Wouldn't Take . . . Craig Tambo 10-04-2011 - 01:24

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