Re: Two Baldwins and an Alco
Author: Bill Kohler
Date: 01-17-2012 - 11:00

I, too, was of a mind to ignore the "infernal combustion" machines. Now I'm glad that I managed to accidentally sneak a shot or two of these old engines. The idealism of youth is often replaced by the pragmatism of maturity. I well remember your '59 Ford.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Two Baldwins and an Alco Bill Kohler 01-17-2012 - 06:48
  Re: Two Baldwins and an Alco MG42 01-17-2012 - 08:21
  Re: Two Baldwins and an Alco Drew Jacksich 01-17-2012 - 09:46
  Re: Two Baldwins and an Alco Bill Kohler 01-17-2012 - 11:00
  Re: Two Baldwins and an Alco Mikado 01-17-2012 - 11:15
  Re: Two Baldwins and an Alco JMBissen 01-17-2012 - 22:29
  Re: Two Baldwins OPRRMS 01-17-2012 - 23:33
  Re: Two Baldwins JMBissen 01-18-2012 - 23:36

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