Re: St Maries River Railroad
Author: John West
Date: 01-18-2012 - 18:04

From the St. Maries River Railroad website updated 2011:

"......Williams Group, Inc. purchased the railroad in May, 2010.

"The St. Maries River Railroad manages 71 miles of track which is divided into 2 primary sections: (1) the Main Line is 19 miles of track between St. Maries, ID and Plummer, ID. The St. Maries River Railroad (STMA) interchanges with the Union Pacific Railroad in Plummer on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; (2) the Branch Line is 52 miles of track between St. Maries, ID and Bovill, ID. This section of track is currently "out-of-service" because Potlatch Corporation decided to stop moving logs via rail in October, 2009 between St. Maries and Clarkia. The track between Clarkia and Bovill has been "out-of-service" for about 10 years."

A few pix of the Clarkia branch from 2004 can be found HERE.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  St Maries Railroad Shannon 01-18-2012 - 08:37
  Re: St Maries River Railroad Bruce Kelly 01-18-2012 - 12:24
  Re: St Maries River Railroad Trackwalker 01-18-2012 - 17:20
  Re: St Maries River Railroad John West 01-18-2012 - 18:04
  Re: St Maries River Railroad Stan Patterson 01-19-2012 - 15:21
  Re: St Maries River Railroad Sam Richards 01-19-2012 - 15:51
  Re: St Maries River Railroad Phil O'Connor 01-21-2012 - 18:27

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