LA Second City
Author: synonymouse
Date: 02-26-2012 - 23:43

LA now rated #2 most corrupt in US:


But after killing hsr thru Tejon I crown it #1 in sleaze.

They should relocate Guantanamo to Palmdale, to reward its treachery and selfishness.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  LA Second City synonymouse 02-26-2012 - 23:43
  Re: LA Second City trainjunkie 02-27-2012 - 06:40
  More Conspiracy Theories? Or trains? BOB2 02-27-2012 - 08:51
  Re: More Conspiracy Theories? Or trains? synonymouse 02-27-2012 - 09:39
  Re: More Conspiracy Theories? Or trains? Capdiamont 02-27-2012 - 10:04
  Re: More Conspiracy Theories? Or trains? Rich Hunn 02-27-2012 - 15:42
  On the other hand... Skirt chasing foamer 02-27-2012 - 16:07
  Re: On the other hand... Q 02-27-2012 - 19:09
  Re: On the other hand... MG42 02-27-2012 - 23:33

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