Re: Response from Court Hammond (Siskiyou Daily News)
Author: Dean
Date: 03-22-2012 - 21:11

Wow, what a liar. I can't believe he sent that to the paper. Anybody who drives by on I-5 can see that what he's had pulled up hasn't been from any spur or siding. All the STB documentation has stated the main line being 8.9 miles long, and I believe the depot is at around 7.5, so I'm pretty sure all that track south of the depot is still mainline. Cort Hammond must live in a fantasy world where he is above the law and believes he is the big railroad tycoon that can do what ever he wants. I have a feeling that reality will catch up with him soon and he isn't going to like it. There seems to be too many people watching him at the moment.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Response from Court Hammond (Siskiyou Daily News) Bill K 03-21-2012 - 07:43
  Re: Response from Court Hammond (Siskiyou Daily News) Dean 03-22-2012 - 21:11
  Re: Response from Court Hammond (Siskiyou Daily News) Bon Mot 03-23-2012 - 07:28
  Re: Response from Court Hammond (Siskiyou Daily News) Bill Bart 03-23-2012 - 16:52
  Re: Response from Court Hammond (Siskiyou Daily News) Stevo del Applegato 03-24-2012 - 07:12
  Re: Response from Court Hammond (Siskiyou Daily News) Bill Bart 03-27-2012 - 20:11

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