Southwest Chief Question
Author: MP 44.7
Date: 09-04-2012 - 01:46

I have a question for those who may have the answer. I been hearing lots of talk about possible re-route of the Southwest Chief that would end service over Raton Pass. It was my understanding that Amtrak was strongly considering taking over maintenance of the line to continue service. Any updates or other info?? Thanks in advance.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Southwest Chief Question MP 44.7 09-04-2012 - 01:46
  Re: Southwest Chief Question Amtrak Rider 09-04-2012 - 02:19
  Re: Southwest Chief Question Brian 09-04-2012 - 11:20
  Re: Southwest Chief Question Jim Speaker 09-04-2012 - 11:56
  Re: Southwest Chief Question J 09-04-2012 - 12:47
  Re: Southwest Chief Question Pdxrailtransit 09-04-2012 - 13:24
  Re: Southwest Chief Question What Are You Paying For? 09-04-2012 - 20:53
  Re: Southwest Chief Question Jim Speaker 09-07-2012 - 19:08

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