Re: Whyyyy?
Author: Dick Dorn
Date: 07-08-2013 - 07:25

I think that was a pretty low blow to women. I can't think of many women I know who are anymore into reality shows than men. I think you are showing a lack of respect for women in general. Look at how many men are into absolute trash shows such as Jackass.
The shows you mentioned, at least the contestants had to have some kind of redeeming value.
Dick Dorn

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Big Brother Outsider 07-07-2013 - 07:10
  Re: Big Brother theconductor 07-07-2013 - 08:50
  Re: Big Brother Outsider 07-07-2013 - 08:54
  Re: Big Brother theconductor 07-07-2013 - 09:32
  Re: Big Brother smitty195 07-07-2013 - 10:54
  Re: Big Brother Outsider 07-07-2013 - 14:45
  Re: Big Brother SLOCONDR 07-07-2013 - 17:21
  Re: Big Brother Outsider 07-07-2013 - 17:26
  Re: Big Brother skip391 07-07-2013 - 18:19
  Re: Whyyyy? Soo Line Laker 07-07-2013 - 19:05
  Re: Whyyyy? SP3878 07-07-2013 - 19:12
  Re: Whyyyy? Carol L. Voss 07-07-2013 - 19:29
  Reality Shows Are a RACKET and SCAM Not Ken Tarr 07-07-2013 - 21:32
  Re: Reality Shows Are a RACKET and SCAM smitty195 07-08-2013 - 07:03
  Re: Reality Shows Are a RACKET and SCAM P 07-08-2013 - 08:19
  Re: Reality Shows Are a RACKET and SCAM Dr Zarkoff 07-08-2013 - 08:58
  Re: Reality Shows Are a RACKET and SCAM Freericks 07-08-2013 - 21:17
  Re: Reality Shows Are a RACKET and SCAM Carol L. Voss 07-08-2013 - 23:41
  Re: Reality Shows Are a RACKET and SCAM smitty195 07-09-2013 - 08:06
  Re: Reality Shows Are a RACKET and SCAM Margaret (SP) fan 07-09-2013 - 16:51
  Re: Reality Shows Are a RACKET and SCAM Freericks 07-09-2013 - 21:40
  Re: Whyyyy? Dick Dorn 07-08-2013 - 07:25
  Re: Whyyyy? fkrock 07-08-2013 - 08:51
  Re: Whyyyy? smitty195 07-08-2013 - 14:16
  Re: Big Brother Outsider 07-08-2013 - 14:57
  Re: Big Brother Sgt Stripes 07-08-2013 - 16:03
  Re: Big Brother smitty195 07-08-2013 - 21:53

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