Re: UP 3985
Author: Mike Stimpson
Date: 01-03-2014 - 11:03

When I was 6 or 7 (1968 or 1969), I remember walking down the line of UP engines at the fueling racks in Ogden. E and F units, maybe a turbine (hey, my memory's a bit vague - I was a kid).

No way could a kid do that today, even accompanied by his dad.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  UP 3985 John West 01-02-2014 - 09:38
  Re: UP 3985 Darren 01-02-2014 - 13:06
  Re: UP 3985 Tom Moungovan 01-02-2014 - 13:12
  Re: UP 3985 SP fan 01-02-2014 - 13:36
  Re: UP 3985 Chimera 01-02-2014 - 14:36
  Re: UP 3985 Tom Moungovan 01-02-2014 - 15:16
  Re: UP 3985 Rich Hunn 01-02-2014 - 17:46
  Re: UP 3985 Mike Stimpson 01-03-2014 - 11:03

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