Author: City resident
Date: 11-18-2014 - 20:04

There are huge issues (race, community - policy relations or lack thereof, economic opportunities, equity and others) associated with the event leading to the trial and creating potential conditions for riots in Ferguson and elsewhere in the nation and all some of you can think of is how it will impact railroads???

Good grief!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Railroads through Ferguson Mo. Taxpayer 11-18-2014 - 07:37
  Re: Railroads through Ferguson Mo? Interesting? BOB2 11-18-2014 - 07:55
  Re: Railroads through Ferguson Mo? Interesting? Goober 11-18-2014 - 08:50
  Pick up a paper or turn on the TV BOB3 11-18-2014 - 09:00
  Re: Pick up a paper or turn on the TV BOB3 11-18-2014 - 09:07
  Re: Railroad Closure? BOB2 11-18-2014 - 09:42
  NS J 11-18-2014 - 10:04
  Re: Pick up a paper or turn on the TV TV Tuner 11-18-2014 - 12:03
  Re: Pick up a paper or turn on the TV hepkema 11-18-2014 - 12:19
  Re: Ferguson / St. Louis "Action Locations" Bruce Kelly 11-18-2014 - 18:55
  Seriously? City resident 11-18-2014 - 20:04
  Re: Seriously? George Andrews 11-18-2014 - 20:08
  Re: Seriously? City resident 11-18-2014 - 20:34
  Re: Seriously? pdxrailtransit 11-18-2014 - 21:13
  Re: Yes, Seriously. Bruce Kelly 11-19-2014 - 06:33
  Re: Seriously? Jim Speaker's Mother 11-19-2014 - 17:12
  Re: Seriously? BNSF Rail Guy 11-21-2014 - 22:32
  Re: Seriously? City resident 11-22-2014 - 05:50
  City resident Chargers Fan 11-24-2014 - 07:41

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