Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line?
Author: Bill K.
Date: 03-01-2015 - 06:50

An article in the Siskiyou Daily News last week indicated work is going to commence on rehab the Siskiyou Line between Ashland, OR and Weed, CA.


It appears special attention will be required for maintenace and improvements to Tunnel 14. I know where Tunnel 13 is, where is Tunnel 14 located, north or south of 13?

I know this line is the original Oregon-California line, but don't know which end of the line the tunnel numbering originates. I strongly suspect it would be from the south.

I've followed the rails via Google-earth from Hilt to the Siskiyou Summit but can't see any tunnel along that area. However, trees hide much of the line, especially over the summit.

I'm also aware there was an abandoned early attempt to construct a tunnel south of Ashland, OR. Can anyone give me directions how to find it's location?

Thanks for your info. :)

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? Bill K. 03-01-2015 - 06:50
  Re: Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? George Andrews 03-01-2015 - 09:39
  Re: Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? George Andrews 03-01-2015 - 10:05
  Re: Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? Scott DeVries (RVT) 03-01-2015 - 09:46
  Re: Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? Jeff Moore 03-01-2015 - 09:48
  Re: Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? ron 03-01-2015 - 10:23
  Re: Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? Hank 03-01-2015 - 11:06
  Re: Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? Nudge 03-01-2015 - 11:08
  Re: Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? Bill K. 03-01-2015 - 17:26
  Re: Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? Jon 03-01-2015 - 17:55
  Re: Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? Siskiyou Railfan 03-01-2015 - 18:23
  Re: Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? Nudge 03-02-2015 - 12:07
  Re: Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? NWP 03-02-2015 - 12:56
  Re: Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? Jeff Moore 03-02-2015 - 18:42
  Re: Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? Bill K. 03-02-2015 - 21:35
  Re: New Fruit Growers Mill Jon 03-02-2015 - 22:50
  Re: New Fruit Growers Mill Bill K. 03-03-2015 - 05:41
  Re: New Fruit Growers Mill millwright 03-03-2015 - 14:42
  Re: Tunnel 14 on Siskiyou Line? Mikado 03-04-2015 - 10:02

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