Re: To many cars and engines tagged.
Author: BN Oly
Date: 08-20-2015 - 20:33

I called the police here in Tacoma a couple years ago on a bunch of kids tagging some rail equipment parked in town. The police never showed up (i saw the youths there for over 45 minutes) so I followed up with the police department a few days later and asked why no one went out. Their answer was "they weren't really hurting anything, we have more important things that take up our time.."

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  To many cars and engines tagged. Mr. Knockey 08-20-2015 - 19:58
  Re: To many cars and engines tagged. Nudge 08-20-2015 - 20:15
  Re: To many cars and engines tagged. Mr. Knockey 08-20-2015 - 20:27
  Re: To many cars and engines tagged. Ba-Woosh! 08-21-2015 - 13:17
  Re: To many cars and engines tagged. James Bradley 08-20-2015 - 20:29
  Re: To many cars and engines tagged. BN Oly 08-20-2015 - 20:33
  Re: To many cars and engines tagged. Jon 08-20-2015 - 20:57
  Sorry I misunderstood the question.. Nudge 08-21-2015 - 17:46

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