Re: Status of UP's Sims bridge--Guard Rails
Author: Nudge
Date: 05-10-2017 - 08:07

SP took all their guard rails out many years ago. They claimed they cost too much to maintain.

UP had always used them and when they took over SP, they all went back in.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Status of UP's Sims bridge Question 05-08-2017 - 21:01
  Re: Status of UP's Sims bridge Shortline Sammie 05-09-2017 - 07:41
  Re: Status of UP's Sims bridge--how about a picture???? David Dewey 05-09-2017 - 09:02
  Re: Status of UP's Sims bridge--how about a picture???? Bridge Troll 05-09-2017 - 09:24
  Re: Status of UP's Sims bridge--how about a picture???? RWS 05-09-2017 - 09:40
  Re: Status of UP's Sims bridge--how about a picture???? Riverson 05-09-2017 - 21:31
  Re: Status of UP's Sims bridge--how about a picture???? Espee2472 05-09-2017 - 21:56
  Re: Status of UP's Sims bridge--Guard Rails Nudge 05-10-2017 - 08:07
  Re: Status of UP's Sims bridge--Guard Rails Espee2472 05-10-2017 - 10:26
  Re: Status of UP's Sims bridge--Guard Rails Nudge 05-11-2017 - 10:06
  Re: Status of UP's Sims bridge--Guard Rails Espee2472 05-10-2017 - 13:04
  Re: Status of UP's Sims bridge--Guard Rails YOUPEE 05-10-2017 - 13:13
  Re: Status of UP's Sims bridge mook 05-10-2017 - 15:34

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