Re: Riding the rails out of Saigon
Author: RVN 69-70
Date: 01-15-2018 - 04:17

Thanks for post. The economy may be better but the majority of the buildings look just like they did in '69. Bien Hoa was off limits but we could go TDY to Saigon on Sundays.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Riding the rails out of Saigon HUTCH 7.62 01-13-2018 - 10:58
  Re: Riding the rails out of Saigon howardwheeler 01-13-2018 - 13:59
  Re: Riding the rails out of Saigon Nudge 01-13-2018 - 17:04
  Re: Riding the rails out of Saigon ? 01-13-2018 - 21:13
  Re: Riding the rails out of Saigon John Bromley 01-14-2018 - 14:43
  Re: Riding the rails out of Saigon Ernest H. Robl 01-14-2018 - 17:38
  Re: Riding the rails out of Saigon Air America 01-14-2018 - 22:54
  Re: Riding the rails out of Saigon RVN 69-70 01-15-2018 - 04:17
  Re: Riding the rails out of Saigon chris 01-15-2018 - 09:47
  Re: Riding the rails out of Saigon NormSchultze 01-16-2018 - 10:30

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