Re: HSR is loud - Some technical info
Author: synonymouse
Date: 03-31-2018 - 19:39

Yeah, I used to like the sound of puffing steam locomotives at nite when I was a kid. Road noise(IMHO the closest to HSR noise in blight potential) is not like that - the more of it the more obnoxious and intrusive. And it is not a positive for property or resale values.

The higher speed of HSR is magnifying the noise beyond what is expected normally of trains and will just increase if you crank the speed even more. These people in France messed up - they look pretty sheepish in the video - and failed to think worst case scenario. When you are humble ordinary folk always think worst case scenario - don't believe the reassurances and nostrums. They found out the hard way. The elite don't have to worry about this so much as they keep things like HSR, freeways, homeless, etc., well removed from their enclaves. That's why there is no HSR at Lebec.

So my advice remains the same to the little people of California who have property(likely their most valuable possession)close to Jerry's Legacy: sell it now while they are still believing the reassurances and spin.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  HSR is loud synonymouse 03-29-2018 - 20:58
  The CAHSR close-by's should start selling out now before the reality sets in. Every few minutes. Al 03-30-2018 - 00:20
  Re: HSR is loud J 03-30-2018 - 05:31
  Re: HSR is loud david vartanoff 03-31-2018 - 15:02
  Re: HSR is loud - Some technical info Commenter 03-31-2018 - 18:11
  Re: HSR is loud - Some technical info synonymouse 03-31-2018 - 19:39
  Re: HSR is loud - Some technical info-like that matters? Just Sayin' 04-01-2018 - 08:09
  Re: HSR is loud - Some technical info-like that matters? Cheetah 04-01-2018 - 10:02
  Re: HSR is loud - Some technical info-like that matters? synonymouse 04-01-2018 - 10:33
  Re: HSR is loud - Some technical info-like that matters? Commenter 04-01-2018 - 18:24
  Just Sucking <> 04-02-2018 - 11:14
  Re: Just Sucking Commenter 04-02-2018 - 12:47
  Re: Just Sucking-Yep, that's for sure! Just Sayin' 04-03-2018 - 07:18
  Re: Just Sucking-Yep, that's for sure! Q 04-03-2018 - 11:04
  Re: Just Sucking-Yep, that's for sure! Commenter 04-03-2018 - 12:14
  Re: Just Sucking-Yep, that's for sure! BOB R 04-03-2018 - 17:00
  Re: Just Sucking What's in a name? 04-03-2018 - 18:59
  Re: Just Sucking So Nice 04-04-2018 - 10:13
  Re: HSR is loud Max Wyss 04-01-2018 - 13:02
  Re: HSR is loud synonymouse 04-01-2018 - 14:20

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