Re: Quentin Kopp's and Willie Brown's megaproject not "fareing" well
Author: Mouse Killer
Date: 12-18-2018 - 14:41

PLEASE go back in the hole you crawled out from......BART is not going away ever, and you constant daily @#$%& must be annoying your mother, so you @#$%& here.

Where is a cat to get rid of the mouse?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Quentin Kopp's and Willie Brown's megaproject not "fareing" well synonymouse 12-18-2018 - 13:35
  Re: Quentin Kopp's and Willie Brown's megaproject not "fareing" well Mouse Killer 12-18-2018 - 14:41
  Re: Quentin Kopp's and Willie Brown's megaproject not "fareing" well PJ 12-18-2018 - 18:19
  Re: Quentin Kopp's and Korrupt Kamala's Sugar Daddy's megaproject not "fareing" well U can't hide your lion eyes 12-18-2018 - 18:35
  Re: EGBOK! Of mice and men with rage issues.... and TRAINS.... BOB2 12-19-2018 - 09:02
  Re: Quentin Kopp's and Willie Brown's megaproject not "fareing" well david vartanoff 12-19-2018 - 08:53
  Re: Quentin Kopp's and Willie Brown's megaproject not "fareing" well synonymouse 12-19-2018 - 10:44

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