BNSF-Former ATSF Wood St.
Author: Bill Webb
Date: 12-30-2018 - 08:00

Anything left at the former Wood St. Yard? We used to get a few cars years ago.I looked on Google Earth and it looks like it is all gone. No cars on spot just rusty clear tracks.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  BNSF-Former ATSF Wood St. Bill Webb 12-30-2018 - 08:00
  Re: BNSF-Former ATSF Wood St. Nixer 12-30-2018 - 12:14
  Re: BNSF-Former ATSF Wood St. Bill Webb 12-30-2018 - 13:48
  Re: BNSF-Former ATSF Wood St. OPRRMS 12-30-2018 - 16:52
  Re: BNSF-Former ATSF Wood St. OPRRMS 12-30-2018 - 17:01
  Re: BNSF-Former ATSF Wood St. BILL webb 12-30-2018 - 17:57
  Re: BNSF-Former ATSF Wood St. OPRRMS 12-30-2018 - 18:03
  Re: BNSF-Former ATSF Wood St. Nudge 12-30-2018 - 19:01
  Re: BNSF-Former ATSF Wood St. OPRRMS 12-30-2018 - 20:57
  Re: BNSF-Former ATSF Wood St. Nixer 12-31-2018 - 10:24
  Re: BNSF-Former ATSF Wood St. Dr Zarkoff 12-31-2018 - 11:55

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