Re: PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes?
Author: Kalifornia Uber Alles
Date: 07-18-2019 - 12:03

Keith Ode Wrote:
> BOB R Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm not sure what Keith and Kevin are saying.
> Is
> > what they're seeing evidence of a PSR slowdown?
> As far as I know, the reduction in number of
> four-axle power on UP locals is a direct result of
> PSR. On the UP at least, doesn't PSR discourage
> low volume shippers? Loose carload traffic has
> been on the decline in the Bay Area for decades,
> but recently UP seems to be doing everything they
> can to reduce Bay Area ops.

Kalifornia is Dead. As far as freight ops go. Who would want to do business with an unfriendly business environment. Even the tech companies are building out of state.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes? BOB2 07-17-2019 - 18:03
  Re: PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes? Keith Ode 07-17-2019 - 19:32
  Re: PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes? Kevin 07-17-2019 - 19:48
  Re: PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes? BOB R 07-17-2019 - 20:33
  Re: PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes? Keith Ode 07-18-2019 - 01:34
  Re: PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes? Berg 07-18-2019 - 07:40
  Re: PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes? theconductor 07-18-2019 - 09:11
  Re: PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes? Brian 07-18-2019 - 10:26
  Re: PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes? ron 07-18-2019 - 10:40
  Re: PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes? Kalifornia Uber Alles 07-18-2019 - 12:03
  Re: PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes? Oceano Ed 07-18-2019 - 08:24
  Re: PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes? Jack S. 07-18-2019 - 10:29
  Re: PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes? Mike Stimpson 07-18-2019 - 10:32
  Re: PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes? Joe 07-18-2019 - 13:34
  Re: PSR = Lower raffic volumes and earning$....? Other signs of slowing rail volumes? broken rail 07-19-2019 - 06:00

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