Royal Slope Railroad
Author: bncity
Date: 02-21-2007 - 19:47

Does anyone know if the Port of Royal Slope Railroad is operating at all between Othello and Royal City, WA? As of a year ago, it didn't look as though anything was happening on that line.
Thanks for any info

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Royal Slope Railroad bncity 02-21-2007 - 19:47
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad Aaron S. 02-21-2007 - 19:58
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad douglasm 02-22-2007 - 04:04
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad Bill Maltby 02-22-2007 - 06:44
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad Aaron S. 02-22-2007 - 07:35
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad hepkema 02-22-2007 - 08:09
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad Mike K 02-22-2007 - 10:41
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad redynx 02-22-2007 - 14:15
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad Matt 03-31-2007 - 17:34
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad hepkema 02-22-2007 - 15:07
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad Bruce Kelly 02-22-2007 - 16:38
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad redlynx 02-23-2007 - 08:32
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad douglasm 02-23-2007 - 15:41
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad Mike K 02-24-2007 - 09:54
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad douglasm 02-24-2007 - 17:32
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad bncity 02-25-2007 - 16:12
  Re: Royal Slope Railroad bncity 02-25-2007 - 16:30

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