Trigger Wrote:
> Trigger Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Here's another legitimate post by me, about my
> hero Mark Dice.
> >
> >
> []
> erica
> Media Matters for America is a politically
> left-leaning 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization and
> media watchdog group. MMfA was founded in 2004 by
> journalist and political activist David Brock as a
> counterweight to the conservative Media Research
> Center. It is known for its aggressive criticism
> of conservative journalists and media outlets,
> including its "War on Fox News".
> The Left ALWAYS engages in character assassination
> attempts toward people that say things they don't
> like. Look at what they're currently trying to do
> to Dave Chappelle. Awww... he hurt their itty
> bitty feelings and now they're trying to destroy
> his career.
> []