Re: 4 migrants sleeping on tracks run over by TER
Author: Trigger
Date: 10-16-2021 - 11:38
> And if you read somewhere on the Internet that Paul Joseph Watson was a three-headed iguana who lives in Pacoima, you'd believe that too. Since you dislike PJW and all that he stands for, you'll believe any kind of gobble-dee-gook that people who think like you do concoct and throw on the Internet.
As if you don't throw gobbledygook at the internet.
> He has more followers,
> subscribers
>and video-related income than you can ever dream of having.
Income is not a valid measure of intellect. Think of the My Pillow guy, another example of an American version of Roland Freisler.
> And didn't you publish all that nonsense about him (shown above) previously? This is autumn. You're still into summer re-runs.
Every one of your links are summer re-runs, so stop complaining.