Re: 90 ft Baggage car
Author: William Nicholson
Date: 03-07-2009 - 08:54

Tom & George,Thank you for your info,all I know on the baggage car was that I was told it was 90' ft long,it had three doors and you could load 6 horses through each door for a total of 24 horses. As far as the reefer car it must have been on of the express reefers that you said were used in the valley because I can remember it being green

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  90 ft Baggage car William Nicholson 03-06-2009 - 08:06
  Re: 90 ft Baggage car Tom Moungovan 03-06-2009 - 09:54
  Re: 90 ft Baggage car George Andrews 03-06-2009 - 13:39
  Re: 90 ft Baggage car William Nicholson 03-07-2009 - 08:54
  Re: 90 ft Baggage car Calistone 03-07-2009 - 15:58
  Re: 90 ft Baggage car Steven D. Johnson 03-07-2009 - 16:45
  Another use for end-door baggage cars xyz 03-08-2009 - 00:50
  Re: Another use for end-door baggage cars William Nicholson 03-08-2009 - 13:03

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