Re: Train to nowhere on a Saturday? There are two trrains into LA in the AM now on weekends... But not to Perris
Author: BOB2
Date: 09-10-2023 - 06:41

El Gringo Wrote:
> On my way to SCRM (OERM)Saturday morning, a short
> metrolink train passed headed northbound or away
> from Perris. I thought this was a Monday-Friday
> operation?

Metrolink/RCTC has added 2 early AM Perris/91 line trains into LA, and 2 late PM trips from LA to Perris on Saturday and Sunday.

ML 91/Perris line schedule

Unfortunately, while you can use it to visit LA Union Station today, there is no outound LA to Perris service in the AM nor any return in the PM on weekends. Co no one can use ML to visit the OERM/SCR Museum on weekends by rail.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Train to nowhere on a Saturday? El Gringo 09-10-2023 - 01:18
  Re: Train to nowhere on a Saturday? There are two trrains into LA in the AM now on weekends... But not to Perris BOB2 09-10-2023 - 06:41
  Re: Train to nowhere on a Saturday? There are two trrains into LA in the AM now on weekends... But not to Perris RCTCreep 09-10-2023 - 12:13
  Re: RCTC spent all of it's money on the project that ate Riverside County-the 91 widening... BOB2 09-10-2023 - 12:34
  Re: RCTC spent all of it's money on the project that ate Riverside County-the 91 widening... Nancy Trigger 09-10-2023 - 12:54
  Re: David missed a late one from the doped up sexually obsessed troll....County-the 91 widening... BOB2 09-10-2023 - 13:47
  Re: David missed a late one from the doped up sexually obsessed troll....County-the 91 widening... FUD 09-10-2023 - 14:37
  Re: David missed a late one from the doped up sexually obsessed troll....County-the 91 widening... Transportation Planner 09-10-2023 - 17:38
  Re: David missed a late one from the doped up sexually obsessed troll....County-the 91 widening... FUD 09-10-2023 - 20:21
  Re: SR 58 Kern Transportation Planner 09-11-2023 - 14:15
  Re: David missed a late one from the doped up sexually obsessed troll....County-the 91 widening... Another planner 09-12-2023 - 10:20
  Re: David missed a late one from the doped up sexually obsessed troll....County-the 91 widening... Note also... 09-12-2023 - 17:46
  Re: ....County-the 91 widening... FOR: "I guess" .... 09-13-2023 - 08:11
  Re: .... LMAO... Yep, OC Toll Roads have always been a financial mess... Just build it and they will come... BOB2 09-13-2023 - 08:50

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