Re: Safety is of the first importance.... Or maybe not....?
Author: Safety Officer
Date: 09-13-2023 - 16:11

As they say it is cheaper to talk about safety than it is to do anything about it. As the manager at my first job always said when anybody complained "there is a Mexican and a 1 armed Indian at the gate every morning wanting to take your job". So the current employees are a liability and are expendable..

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Safety is of the first importance.... Or maybe not....? BOB2 09-12-2023 - 08:04
  Re: Safety is of the first importance.... Or maybe not....? Just Sayin'... 09-12-2023 - 18:17
  Re: Safety is of the first importance.... Or maybe not....? Safety Officer 09-13-2023 - 16:11
  Re: Safety is of the first importance.... Or maybe not....? John 09-13-2023 - 20:13

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