Is railroading a career path?
Author: observer
Date: 11-12-2023 - 12:45

Over the decades, I pondered whether railroading could a viable or maybe rewarding career and if it was worth trying.

In the 1980s, the railroad industry looked stagnant and shrinking. Coal and intermodal were the big thing, and branchline industries were all going away. Railroading did not seem like a good career. Railroad employees had all seen the carnage of the 1970s and said, stay away from railroading.

Fast forward to today. The industry is stronger than ever. But I still hear that they like to cut professional staff wherever they can. The managerial types are pulled from other industries, as if no one rises from the bottom anymore. I’m not inspired by the CEOs. Railroading still looks like a bad career choice. The union workers seem stressed too, which doesn’t add to the fun.

The last good decade for railroading was probably the 1950s, which is so long ago now when you think about it.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Is railroading a career path? observer 11-12-2023 - 12:45
  Re: Is railroading a career path? Yargling2006 11-12-2023 - 13:58
  Re: Is railroading a career path? observer 11-12-2023 - 14:18
  Re: Is railroading a career path? Guest 11-12-2023 - 17:21
  Re: Is railroading a career path? Just Sayin'... 11-13-2023 - 08:01
  Re: Is railroading a career path? Guest 11-13-2023 - 11:20
  It is 4 illegal aliens given work permits that will do 70 hrs/wk & 2 afraid 2 complain when told to break rules Imported wage suppressors 11-13-2023 - 13:48
  Re: Is railroading a career path? Retiree 11-13-2023 - 14:04

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