Re: Is railroading a career path?
Author: Guest
Date: 11-12-2023 - 17:21

If it interests you than by all means try it. I will add that if after the first year or two you find it’s not really your thing than quit. Too many guys stay on for the benefits and get stuck dreading their jobs. Seen too many.

Be prepared to work 60 hour weeks. If you have a career minded spouse and you want kids that might be a conflict right there.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Is railroading a career path? observer 11-12-2023 - 12:45
  Re: Is railroading a career path? Yargling2006 11-12-2023 - 13:58
  Re: Is railroading a career path? observer 11-12-2023 - 14:18
  Re: Is railroading a career path? Guest 11-12-2023 - 17:21
  Re: Is railroading a career path? Just Sayin'... 11-13-2023 - 08:01
  Re: Is railroading a career path? Guest 11-13-2023 - 11:20
  It is 4 illegal aliens given work permits that will do 70 hrs/wk & 2 afraid 2 complain when told to break rules Imported wage suppressors 11-13-2023 - 13:48
  Re: Is railroading a career path? Retiree 11-13-2023 - 14:04

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